Thursday, November 26, 2009

Tour Days 3 & 4: Burlington VT, Providence RI, Washington DC

So now we're in an 18ft long van for the next two weeks. It's like being Bowser on Mario Kart. I'm stealing WiFi from the Bolt Bus riding alongside us. This is awesome.

We just played a show last night in Burlington, VT, at a venue called 'Nectars'. This venue gave Phish their start back in the day, and by the reminents of tie-dye t-shirts and hemp clothing stores, it looks like the spirit is living on. Everyone has great beards in Burlington. I was slightly ashamed I had been trimming mine, feeling mildly metrosexual. Upon our arrival we made our way down to the Nectar's 'green room' to find a small room with yellow walls and a plethora of penis graffiti. The most creative one had claws and wings.

After a few songs on stage and some banter with the local drunk we made way for Justin Levinson's CD Release performance. Clayton however, with a belly full of Jaegemeister and Magic Hat ran upstairs to find a '90's night' themed disco. He flirted with the locals for a while then ran down as we were packing up, with a schoolboy grin on his face, asking for just 5 more minutes of "dancing time", and off he went again.

We woke up this morning with a mission to get to Providence by 5PM to pre-record some songs for WRIU 90.3FM (Rhode Island University radio). Our friend and DJ, Kate was there to meet us, as our van 'Sheena' plowed through a monsoon. Slightly sodden we grabbed a cheeky curry on campus, and played our set in the studio (a few BPM slower thanks to the tikka masala).

Clayton's driving now, we're on our way back to NYC. We just passed a white Mercedes with a fake-diamond encrusted number plate. The driver had been pulled over for speeding, shockingly.

(Day 4) Chris just made a $20 bet with Clayton, that Clayton wouldn't 'get any ass' on the tour. Clayton accepted. The rest of us are happy to be spectators. The sun is setting over Maryland, and we're on our way to Washington DC. The last time I was in DC I was singing backing vocals to country songs on a float in the 4th July Parade. I enjoyed the irony of being a Brit celebrating my own country's expulsion from America. The time before that, I was marching the exact same route protesting a war. Tonight we're playing with Kyle's girlfriend, Ayo Awosika at The Velvet Lounge. Ayo is a wonderful human being, and her music is just as stellar. Weezer's 'Pinkerton' is playing in the background. Everyone knows the words. I don't - I only have the Blue album; feeling left out I've started blogging again. I remember Chris and Clayton's bet again and I'm happy. Timur is trying to teach himself Ukulele, to the tune Bob Dylan's 'Girl from the North Country'. He says 'I'll never be able to learn this by Nashville!', and sounds genuinely upset. We're approaching a tunnel and decided to scream until we get out of it. My ears are still ringing, though I'm slightly impressed by the lads' falsettos.

We got to the Velvet Lounge to find that it was neither a lounge, nor was it velvetty. The venue is up a few stairs, and consists of a room and a slightly raised stage. I love these kind of venues, just an audience and the music. Downstairs, one of the guys behind the bar started shining a light in Clayton's face and laughing. Nobody knows why...

We played the show and got some rest. Chris's $20 is still safe.

1 comment:

  1. ha! all snuggled up with his clothes still did i miss the disco?
